The Renewable Energy Industrial Development Report, 2010

Abstract Significant outputs have been achieved for renewable energy development in China in 2009. By the end of 2009, China’s hydropower installed capacity has reached 197 million kilowatts, ranking first in the world; total installed windpower doubled for the last four consecutive years, reaching 25.8 million kilowatts; Solar photovoltaic cell production of 4 million kilowatts maintains an absolute advantage in the world; Total solar water heater usage are over 145 million m2, representing more than 60% of the world’s total solar water heater’s usage; Biomass, geothtermal and other renewable energy have also developed in some extent. Without considering the traditional use of biomass, China’s renewable energy usages is about 258 million tce in 2009, accounting for 8.4% of the total primary energy consumption. The renewable energy supplied electricity has reached 661.674 billion kWh, 17.9% of the total electricity in 2009.
Author Sino-Danish Renewable Energy Development Programme, 2010
6 Renewable Energy, 6.1.1 Status Reports on Renewable Energy