Weblinks to Grassroots or Civil Society Organizations
Part 1 Chinese NGOs and civil society organization working on areas related to energy and environment in China
- Global Environmental Institute (GEI) http://www.geichina.org/index.php?controller=Default&action=index , http://www.geichina.org/index.php?controller=Articles&action=View&aid=19 , a China-based non-profit, non-governmental organization that was established in Beijing in March 2004. As a China-based NGO with an international focus, GEI fuses best practices in environmental protection, energy conservation and community livelihoods with innovative market mechanisms to drive sustainable development. In addition to the lasting impact of our projects domestically, our strong emphasis on international cooperation on energy and the environment has allowed us to assume a leading role in improving China’s environmental impact abroad. GEI’s mission is to design and implement market-based models for solving environmental problems in order to achieve development that is economically, ecologically and socially sustainable. The Energy and Climate Change program at GEI promotes the development of clean energy and energy efficiency industries through exploring market-oriented solutions. GEI hopes to increase the efficiency of fossil fuel use and the use of clean energy through commercializing clean energy and energy saving technologies, exploring new financial models, and incubating sustainable enterprises. GEI believes that the globe as a whole needs to participate in climate change adaptation and mitigation. For this reason, GEI aims to strengthen ties between all sectors of society domestically and internationally, and promote cooperation among all stakeholders, including governments, enterprises, research institutes and NGOs, to proactively respond to climate change.
- Friends of Nature http://www.fon.org.cn/channal.php?cid=774 or http://old.fon.org.cn/channal.php?cid=616 is the oldest environmental NGO in China. It has been working for over a decade to promote environmental awareness about China,s most pressing environmental problems. This has included dams, green cities, and most recently, learning about nuclear energy. Other areas of work have included protecting endangered species; environmental education through camps, field trips, and most importantly, teacher-training; and awareness-raising campaigns such as photo exhibitions and publications. Though the organization has achieved some important victories for nature, possibly FON,s greatest achievement is helping to foster a growing network of grassroots environmental NGOs throughout China. This is based on the firm belief that environmental education increases awareness, and awareness increases citizen participation. It is through the participation of all Chinese citizens that China can achieve the dream of an environmentally harmonious society.
- Greenovation Hub http://www.ghub.org/en/ Started in 2012, Greenovation Hub is a new innovative environmental NGO that combines the competitiveness of grass-root and international NGOs. G:HUB is committed to foster China’s green transition hence global sustainable development. Greenovators believe the power of environmental protection lies in the hands of citizens, but only by combining the wisdom and resources of civil society, governments and corporates, can China’s green path be realised. We deal with the most critical environmental problems with an open mind; we adopt new media and new technologies to create the most applicable tools; we engage and interact with green citizens to search for solutions for China and the world’s ecological crisis.
- GreenWatershed http://www.greenwatershed.org/info-120-1.html Established in 2002, this Yunnan based organization is one of the most important environmental civil society organizations in China. Its work focuses on increasing the role of the public in watershed management, promoting good watershed governance that is inclusive, tsransparent and based on equal opportunity in watershed decision making, and realizing environmental, social and economic sustainability in watershed development. One important focus is the question of hydropower dams, and their social and environmental impacts. It does research and advocacy work on sustainable and participatory watershed management policies and methods; community engagement aimed at enhancing community participation in watershed management on the basis of shared ecological interest through community capacity building and project implementation; and networking with actors from government, academia, business and civil society to realize environment-friendly and inclusive watershed decision making.
- Moving Mountains www.movingmountains.cn, offers civil society support and capacity building on social and environmental issues. It runs China-Wire http://china-wire.org/, which makes information and news published by sources within China more available to readers around the world. CHINA-WIRE is accessed in more than 70 countries across 6 continents. Many postings relate to energy and energy companies. One part of the site, China Oil Monitor, specifically focuses on oil and gas, http://china-wire.org/?page_id=10892 . One of their areas of focus is monitoring overseas investments of Chinese companies, including, but not limited to, the energy sector. Another area of their work includes “WaterWatch”, which monitors developments in the water sector, including, but not limited to, hydropower developments.
- Institute for Environment and Development www.ied.cn Established in 1994 as a domestic NGO, the IED is an independent research institute in the fields of environmental protection and social development. With the mission of exploring solutions to environmental and development issues and promoting the sustainable development of Chinese society, IED adopts a down-to-earth approach to research and innovative thinking and has consistently provided cutting-edge information, analysis and constructive solutions to government, the public and the business community. Through innovative projects and conducting policy-oriented research, IED aims to offer reliable intellectual support to stakeholders in the field of sustainable development and seek feasible solutions to environmental and development issues. Its areas of focus are: a) Sustainable Economic Development: IED has launched a variety of projects including New Ventures China (NVC) and a survey of energy conservation and emissions reduction in China’s state farm system; b) Education for Sustainable Development (ESD): promoting multi-dimensional sustainable Institute for Environment and Development education programs such as Youth Sustainability and Energy Education (YSEE), Eco-school and Ecocommunity, which drives a greater presence of ESD and related research both on campus and in communities. c) Climate Change: interpreting climate change issues from a Chinese perspective, and engaging in targeted research. On the one hand, IED keeps an eye on the international climate negotiations to build an information platform and provide professional training to domestic NGOs about the latest issues. On the other hand, in relation to the challenges of adaptation and mitigation, IED carries out research on the MRV (measurable, reportable and verifiable) system in the agricultural sector as well as case studies of domestic NGOs addressing climate change.
- Green Earth Volunteers/China Green News http://eng.greensos.cn/default.aspx Founded in 1996, GEV is one of China’s oldest local environmental NGOs. Its mission is to serve as a vehicle for grassroots public participation through encouraging volunteerism. It also supports environmental journalism in China, with the goals of improving awareness of environmental issues and improving information transparency. Many of its current projects focus on water issues, including encouraging national cooperation on river protection, and the organization is e part of the global Waterkeepers’ Alliance. This includes important work on the question of hydropower dams. In 2007 GEV formally registered with the Ministry of Civil Affairs as the “Green Earth Environmental Scientific Research Centre.” GEV was founded by radio journalist Ms. Wang Yongchen, a prolific writer and award-winning journalist. Begun in 2009, GEV has hosted Green China News http://eng.greensos.cn/ChinaGreenNews.aspx . This contains variety of English language news items on social and environmental issues in China, including energy and natural resources http://eng.greensos.cn/Class.aspx?c=85 and water and hydropower http://eng.greensos.cn/Class.aspx?c=86 .
- China Rural Energy Enterprise Development CREED http://www.c-reed.org/
helping to create a sustainable energy development path for rural people in the biologically rich and diverse northwest Yunnan Province and neighboring areas of Western China. CREED is doing this in ways that also help to eliminate deforestation and the loss of biodiversity caused by past logging practices and the unsustainable collection of fuelwood. CREED builds on the “REED approach” developed by project partner E+Co to couple Enterprise Development Services (EDS) with closely targeted startup financing for entrepreneurs, enabling them to deliver cleaner and higher quality energy services through new business ventures. With support from the United Nations Foundation (UNF), this approach is already being applied successfully in Africa and in Northeast Brazil .As with other REED programmes, CREED creates strong links with local government agencies, NGOs and financial institutions active in the areas of energy, environmental protection, consumer credit, and income generation. Within these links, CREED aims to influence broader energy and development shifts underway in China, and redirect existing sources of finance and support to sustainable energy activities. - Global Village Beijing http://www.gvbchina.org/. This site is devoted to the problem of environmental pollution in China. It is a mainline conservationist organization.
Part 2 International and Foreign NGO’s, Foundations and Think-tanks working in China on energy and related issues, from a range of political perspectives
- Greenpeace China, energy and climate section (global organization, headquartered in the Netherlands, with a Beijing office) http://www.greenpeace.org/eastasia/campaigns/climate-energy/, http://www.facebook.com/gpchina The main goals of the climate and energy campaign are a) ensure China takes a leading role in international climate negotiations, b) lobby China to move away from coal and to invest heavily in renewable energy and energy efficiency, c) push for the Hong Kong SAR government to invest in energy efficiency and renewable energy, instead of in nuclear power, which is expensive, unsafe and polluting, d) get the Mainland China and Hong Kong public to take personal action and support government action on climate change. Greenpeace China is one of the very small number of civil society organizations which is actually working in depth on the social and environmental impacts of coal, and the development of renewable energy.
- Chinadialogue www.chinadialogue.net (US, UK and China based) Chinadialogue is a bilingual source of high-quality news, analysis and discussion on all environmental issues, with a special focus on China. China is growing fast and, as it grows, it is faced with urgent environmental challenges. Climate change, species loss, pollution, water scarcity and environment damage are not problems confined to one country: they are challenges that concern all the world’s citizens, but the rise of China gives them a new urgency. Tackling these challenges will require a common effort and common understanding. Chinadialogue aims to promote that common understanding. Chinadialogue is devoted to the publication of high quality, bilingual information, direct dialogue and the search for solutions to our shared environmental challenges. chinadialogue.net is an independent, non-profit organisation based in London, Beijing and San Francisco. It was launched on July 3, 2006.
- Oxfam China http://www.oxfam.org/en/development/china, http://www.oxfam.org.hk/en/default.aspx . (global organization, headquartered in UK, with a China programme and Hong Kong office) Oxfam is an international confederation of 17 organizations networked together in more than 90 countries, as part of a global movement for change, to build a future free from the injustice of poverty. It works directly with communities and seek to influence the powerful to ensure that poor people can improve their lives and livelihoods and have a say in decisions that affect them. Although not its main focus, Oxfam’s China office does do some work relating to monitoring the effects of overseas investment of Chinese companies. This sometimes includes energy companies.
- The Energy Foundation China/The China Sustainable Energy Program (Chinese branch of a US based organization) http://www.efchina.org/FHome.do In 1999, the Energy Foundation launched the China Sustainable Energy Program (CSEP) with funding from the Packard Foundation to support China’s efforts to increase energy efficiency and renewable energy. The Energy Foundation’s Beijing Representative Office is a non-profit organization officially registered under China’s Ministry of Civil Affairs with sponsorship from the National Development and Reform Commission. With an emphasis on both national policy and regional implementation, CSEP assists Chinese agencies, experts, and entrepreneurs in solving energy challenges. At the request of Chinese leaders, including our Senior Policy Advisory Council (minister-level officials) and Dialogue Partners (ministry directors-general), the program supports capacity-building and technology policy transfer by linking Chinese experts with “best practices” expertise from around the world. As China emerges as a frontrunner in the fight against global warming, CSEP in turn shares best practices from China with the rest of the world. CSEP awards grants and takes direct initiatives in eight areas: a) Low-Carbon, b) Development Paths, c)Transportation, d)Renewable Energy, e) Electric Utilities, f) Buildings, g) Industry, h) Environmental Management, i) Sustainable Cities. Since inception, CSEP’s budget has grown from $5 million to $29 million per year. It focuses on China’s most energy-consuming sectors, including buildings, industry (iron and steel, cement, petrochemicals), electric utilities, and transportation. It prioritizes allocating grants to those projects with the greatest carbon dioxide reduction benefits. In addition to its primary role as grantmaker, CSEP convenes workshops, commissions papers, and takes other direct initiatives.
- National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) (US organization, working in in China) http://www.china.nrdc.org/english/E_index.php Not-for-profit organization aims to safeguard the Earth: its people, its plants and animals and the natural systems on which all life depends. Has offices in New York, Washington, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Beijing. One of the Beijing office’s core programs is on Climate Change and Energy Research . http://www.china.nrdc.org/english/E_our_program_flag.php?cid=179 Since 1996, NRDC has worked to help the Chinese government develop policy solutions to develop sustainably and curb greenhouse gas emissions. It focuses on the intersection between climate and energy, and work to promote policies that can scale up clean energy resources like energy efficiency and renewable energy.
- China Methane, http://www.chinamethane.org/ China Methane is working to create a detailed inventory of methane emissions from abandoned coal mines in China. Our initial data collection efforts have focused on the eastern piedmont of the Taihang mountains in the coal-bearing region of Shanxi Province, People’s Republic of China. China Methane is supported by the Coalbed Methane Outreach Program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Global Methane Initiative. The work of China Methane is intended to help redress the lack of knowledge of, and focus on, abandoned mines by producing a systematic inventory of abandoned mine methane emissions in China. China Methane is also working to identify and catalogue some of the non‐technical barriers to developing abandoned mine methane projects China. Our work in this area includes local and regional regulations and enforcement mechanisms, ownership, finance, technology and access to markets for the methane captured. China Methane is also working to develop several pre‐feasibility studies for potential projects and hopes to offer these opportunities as case studies at regional or national mine methane forums to encourage private and public sector action to reduce emissions. In addition to providing a systematic, supported and transparent resource to facilitate the identification and development of abandoned mine methane projects, China Methane aspires to improve knowledge of abandoned mine methane emissions and methodologies to forecast these emissions, provide a template for similar work, and enable Chinese authorities to better estimate methane emissions nationwide.
- Carnegie Endowment for International Peace/ Carnegie–Tsinghua Center for Global Policy http://carnegieendowment.org/about/index.cfm?fa=beijing is a joint U.S.–China research center based at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China. The Center brings together senior scholars and experts from the United States and China for collaborative research on common global challenges that face the United States and China. One of its four main areas of work is climate and energy. http://carnegieendowment.org/programs/global/index.cfm?fa=proj&id=108, http://carnegieendowment.org/topic/?fa=list&id=431
- Beijing Energy and Environmental Roundtable (BEER)/ Beijing energy network http://beijingenergynetwork.com/?page_id=38 The Beijing Energy Network is a grassroots organization with a mission of promoting networking and collaboration towards understanding and tackling China’s energy and environmental challenges, among individuals and organizations from diverse sectors such as government, industry, media, and academia. It is committed to creating an atmosphere where people can learn and share ideas with each other. Beijing Energy and Environmental Roundtable (BEER) is the flagship event of the Beijing Energy Network and the premier networking event for energy and environmental professionals in Beijing. BEER is generally held every two weeks, although the schedule varies, at various venues in Beijing. Unlike some networking events, every BEER features at least one speaker from the energy or environmental sector. BEER welcomes anyone working in the energy or environmental sector to apply to present.
- Innovation Center for Energy and Transportation (iCET) (US and China based) http://www.icet.org.cn/english/index2.asp a leading policy think-tank in the area of low-carbon development and climate change, is an independent non-profit organization registered in Beijing and Los Angeles. iCET’s mission is to provide decision makers at all levels with urgently needed innovative solutions to solve the energy and climate crises and create green energy ecosystem. Over the years, iCET has carved out a unique reputation as a leader in China’s climate policies. It is committed to the values and principles of innovation, sound scientific research, independence and practicality. iCET’s work primarily in the following four categories: iCET identifies international best practices on low-carbon development and climate change policies, assesses their suitability for use in China, and transfers innovative best practices into China. iCET provides expert advices on carbon management and low-carbon development to governments and business, conducts in-depth analysis and policy studies on improving energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions, and delivers capacity building programs on GHG and sustainability management. one of its three main areas of work is Low Carbon Transportation. Stemming from work on China’s passenger vehicle fuel economy standards, iCET’s Low Carbon Transportation program has expanded to monitoring and reporting on the implementation of fuel economy standards, development of fuel economy standards for commercial vehicles, updating and promotion of environmentally friendly vehicles, and groundbreaking research and policy development in low carbon transportation fuel standards and policies. iCET has also taken a dive into policies related to electric vehicles in China.
- World Resources Institute (WRI) WRI, China http://www.wri.org.cn/?utm_source=wrinav&utm_medium=nav&utm_campaign=wri.org is a global environmental think tank that goes beyond research to put ideas into action. We have over 50 active projects working on aspects of global climate change, sustainable markets, ecosystem protection, and environmentally responsible governance. WRI focuses on the intersection of the environment and economic development. We go beyond research to put ideas into action, working globally with governments, business, and civil society to build transformative solutions that protect the earth and improve people’s lives.
- Environmental Education Media Project http://www.eempc.org/ The Environmental Education Media Project (EEMP) is dedicated to continuous research and collaborative learning in environmental, sustainable development and public health subjects; and to producing, gathering and distributing high quality audio-visual materials to support public awareness of these crucial issues. The EEMP encourages as many people as possible to participate in raising environmental consciousness. We facilitate collaboration to acheive synergies among individuals and organizations that are working to protect the environment. The EEMP works with numerous developmental organizations by sharing its television production capability, providing programming on environmental subjects for broadcast and offering training in innovative mass-media methods for environmental education. From modest beginnings the EEMP has grown to support many international development efforts, catalyzing the creation of new institutions and producing educational materials that are used throughout the world. The EEMP is committed to creating sustainable programs that will support and share these powerful materials and methods wherever they are needed.
- Heinrich Boell Stiftung Foundation (HBS China) (German organization, with a China office) http://www.boell-china.org/web/40.html The Foundation of the German Green Party. The Beijing HBS office works on Environment and Climate ( http://www.boell-china.org/web/52.html) , Political and Social Reforms and Globalization and International Relations. HBS wants to find innovative solutions to enforce global climate justice and global environmental responsibility involving a variety of stakeholders from NGOs, governmental and academic institutions in China and around the world to reconcile Chinese needs within the global climate regime. At present, the Heinrich Böll Stiftung puts a strong emphasis on the areas of energy and climate policy globally. In China, HBS is supporting policy research and dialogues related to this field. It has begun to work on raising public awareness about nuclear energy and its social and environmental implications.
- The Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (Beijing office) German organization, with a Beijing branch) http://www.rosalux.de/english/foundation.html is one of the largest political education institutions in Germany today and sees itself as part of the intellectual current of democratic socialism The foundation evolved from a small political group, “Social Analysis and Political Education Association“, founded in 1990 in Berlin into a nationwide political education organisation, a discussion forum for critical thought and political alternatives as well a research facility for progressive social analysis. In 1996 the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation was officially recognised as a nationwide affiliated trust of the Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS), presently known as “DIE LINKE “ (The Left). As such it works closely with DIE LINKE affiliated state foundations and associations nationwide. The Rosa Luxemburg Foundation aims to:a) Organise political education and disseminate knowledge about social relations in a globalized, unjust and hostile world. b) Provide a venue for critical analysis of current capitalism; act as a hub for programmatic discussions about a modern democratic socialism, act as a socialistic think-tank for political alternatives, c) Be a forum in Germany and internationally that supports dialogue between left-socialistic powers, socialistic movements and organisations, left-minded intellectuals and non-governmental organisations. d) Grant funding to young scholars via undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships, e) Give impulses to self-defining socialistic political activities and support commitment to peace and international understanding for a socially just and solidary union. There is a new office in China, but there is not yet a website.
- Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES)-China http://www.fes-china.org/ (German organization, with China offices in Beijing and Shanghai) FES is a political foundation from the Federal Republic of Germany. Our aim is to promote social democracy, sustainable development and international understanding in the context of international communication and cooperation. It has an environment, energy and climate project, http://www.fes-china.org/index.php?option=com_flexicontent&view=category&cid=16&Itemid=89&lang=en
Part 3 Hong Kong Labour and Environmental Organizations Working on Energy and Related Issues
- No Nukes@ China Hong Kong http://www.greenpartypost.net/nonukes.html coalition of about 30-40 Hong Long based organizations, working to oppose nuclear energy from nearby power stations in China. The site is a mixture of Chinese and English.
- China Labour Bulletin http://www.clb.org.hk/en/ A non-governmental organization founded in Hong Kong in 1994, China Labour Bulletin has grown from a small monitoring and research group into a proactive outreach organization that seeks to defend and promote the rights of workers in China. Although not currently researching workers in the energy sector, it has issued some relevant reports in the past, including a detailed examination of the coal sector, which can be found at http://www.clb.org.hk/en/files/File/bone_and_blood.pdf, as well as a history of Chinese workers, which also includes chapters about coal and oil workers, which can be found here: http://www.shankerinstitute.org/publications/cry-for-justice/ , as well as a wide range of reports about workers in the energy intensive sectors. Occasional news items also relate to workers in the energy sector, such as these reports on the coal industry: http://www.clb.org.hk/en/node/100593 and http://www.clb.org.hk/en/node/110083 .
- Globalization Monitor, www.globalmon.org.hk working on a broad range of issues, including labour http://www.globalmon.org.hk/en/category/01news/ and the environment http://www.globalmon.org.hk/en/category/095environment/. This includes campaign work about nuclear energy http://www.globalmon.org.hk/en/category/095environment/nuclear-power/ . Although not specifically researching workers in the energy sector, it has issued some relevant reports, including a detailed examination of workers in the factories where electrical batteries factories are produced, which can be found at http://www.globalmon.org.hk/en/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/gp_full_final.pdf, as well as coauthoring a report about the conditions in the factories where batteries for electric cars are produced, which can be accessed here http://somo.nl/publications-en/Publication_3642 . They are also dealing with worker issues in a wide range of energy intensive industries, such as exports, and automotive industries.
- Asia Monitor Resource Centre (AMRC) www.amrc.org.hk is an independent non-governmental organization (NGO) which focuses on Asian labour concerns. The Centre supports a democratic and independent labour movement promoting the principles of labour rights, gender consciousness, and active workers’ participation in work-related issues. Again, it is not working specifically on workers in the energy sector, but does a lot with workers in the energy intensive export based manufacturing sectors, as well as some work on the extractive industries.
- International Hong Kong Liaison Office to the International Trade Union Confederation and Global Union Federations ( IHLO-ITUC/GUF) www.ihlo.org The aim of IHLO is to support the international trade union movement in Hong Kong and to monitor and support trade union rights and labour developments in China, and develop strategies. Although not specifically researching workers in the energy sector, it works a lot in energy intensive export industries, including the automobile sector.
- Students and Scholars Against Corporate Misbehavior (SACOM) , www.sacom.hk , is a new nonprofit organization founded in Hong Kong in June 2005. It aims at bringing concerned students, scholars, labor activists, and consumers together to monitor corporate behavior and to advocate for workers’ rights. Although not specifically researching workers in the energy sector, it works a lot in energy intensive export industries, especially including toys, and electronics (phones, computers, electronic games etc).
Part 4 International civil society organizations that are working on China, but not in China, whose work is generally related to the environment and energy
- International Rivers http://www.internationalrivers.org/ (USA based, global network) Since 1985, International Rivers (formerly known as International Rivers Network or IRN) has been at the heart of the global struggle to protect rivers and the rights of communities that depend on them. It works with an international network of dam-affected people, grassroots organizations, environmentalists, human rights advocates and others who are committed to stopping destructive river projects and promoting better options. The organization seeks a world where healthy rivers and the rights of local communities are valued and protected. It envisions a world where water and energy needs are met without degrading nature or increasing poverty, and where people have the right to participate in decisions that affect their lives. Based in five continents, its staff has expertise in dams, energy and water policy, climate change, and international financial institutions. It supports partner organizations and dam-affected people by providing advice, training and technical assistance, and advocating on their behalf with governments, banks, companies and international agencies. International Rivers works extensively on dams in China, and on China’s role in building dams globally http://www.internationalrivers.org/en/china http://www.internationalrivers.org/campaigns/china-s-global-role-in-dam-building ;
- EarthRights International School Mekong http://www.earthrights.org/training/earthrights-school-mekong inaugurated in June 2006, is a unique training program for civil society advocates from the Mekong Region (China, Burma, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam) who are working on environmental and human rights issues. The seven month-long training program focuses on the impacts of large-scale infrastructure projects, particularly hydropower dams, and how citizens are engaged in advocating for more equitable development in the Mekong region. At the school, students investigate community complaints regarding negative impacts from Asian Development Bank (ADB), World Bank, and privately funded projects. Through a series of field visits, students examine the threats posed by various projects, such as the series of hydropower dams currently planned and under construction along the mainstream of the Mekong and its tributaries, to migratory fish stocks, local livelihoods, and regional food security. The training takes place in Chiang Mai, Thailand from June to December of each year, and includes a two-month practicum in which students return to their home countries to conduct field work. Finally, program graduates focus on ways in which they can join together as alumni to advocate for policy reform with the ultimate goal of promoting greater public participation and transparency in development planning in the Mekong region. Alumni of ERSM are supported in undertaking their grassroots work through the activities of the Mekong Alumni Program. The alumni program seeks to maximize the impact of their work by providing ongoing structured opportunities for graduates to network, collaborate, exchange information and resources, and receive training and technical assistance.
- Waterkeepers Alliance http://www.waterkeeper.org/ht/d/sp/i/181/pid/181 Founded in 1999 by environmental attorney and activist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and several veteran Waterkeeper Organizations, Waterkeeper Alliance is a global movement of on-the-water advocates who patrol and protect over 100,000 miles of rivers, streams and coastlines in North and South America, Europe, Australia, Asia and Africa. Waterkeeper Organizations combine firsthand knowledge of their waterways with an unwavering commitment to the rights of their communities and to the rule of law. Whether they are on the water tracking down polluters, in a courtroom advocating for stronger enforcement of environmental laws, at a town meeting rallying community support, or in a classroom educating young people, Waterkeeper Organizations defend their communities against anyone who threatens their right to clean water—from law-breaking polluters to unresponsive government agencies. Made up of more than 200 local Waterkeeper organizations—employing more than 400 environmental activists, educators, scientists and attorneys— Waterkeeper Alliance keeps Waterkeepers connected, provides them with legal, scientific and communications support, and unites their voices as they take on major global water issues together. In relation to China, there are various members, including some working on hydrowpower dams.
- The Nautilus Institute http://www.nautilus.org/ , http://oldsite.nautilus.org/ holds that it is possible to build peace, create security, and restore sustainability for all people in our time. To this end, it convenes a community of scholars and practitioners who conduct research on strategies to solve interconnected global problems. With networks of partners it develops and applies these strategies to the linked threats of nuclear war, urban and energy insecurity, and climate change in the Asia Pacific region. We encourage civil society to strengthen regional governance of these common problems and shared solutions. There is a large resource on China and nuclear energy at http://nautilus.org/publications/books/nuclear-briefing/countries/china
- The Program on Energy and Sustainable Development (PESD), Stanford University (USA) http://pesd.stanford.edu/research/china/ is an international, interdisciplinary program that draws on the fields of economics, political science, law, and management to investigate how the production and consumption of energy affect human welfare and environmental quality. In addition to undertaking world-class research, the Program leads advanced graduate and introductory undergraduate courses and seminars in energy and environmental policy at Stanford. The Program’s core sponsors are BP, plc, and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). It has an extensive research programme on China, with numerous publications. http://pesd.stanford.edu/research/china/
- China Energy Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory http://china.lbl.gov/ committed to understanding the challenge of meeting China’s energy needs and the wealth of opportunities it provides, particularly in meeting demand through improved energy efficiency, and to exploring their implications for policy and business. We work collaboratively with energy researchers, suppliers, regulators, and consumers in China and elsewhere to better understand the dynamics of energy use in China, to develop and enhance the capabilities of Chinese institutions that promote energy efficiency, and to create links between Chinese and international institutions. The Group is part of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, a member of the national laboratory system supported by the U.S. Department of Energy through its Office of Science. It is managed by the University of California (UC) and is charged with conducting unclassified research across a wide range of scientific disciplines.
- Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars – China Environment Program http://www.wilsoncenter.org/program/china-environment-forum Since 1997, the China Environment Forum has implemented projects, workshops, and exchanges that bring together U.S., Chinese, and other environmental policy experts to explore the most imperative environmental and sustainable development issues in China and to examine opportunities for business, governmental, and nongovernmental communities to collaboratively address these issues. The networks built and knowledge gathered through meetings, publications, and research activities have established CEF as one of the most reliable sources for China-environment information and given CEF the capacity to undertake long-term and specialized projects on topics such as building new U.S.-China energy and climate networks, the water-energy nexus in China, environmental governance, food safety, water management, nongovernmental organization development, environmental justice, and municipal financing for environmental infrastructure. Established by Congress in 1968 as a living memorial to the 28th President of the United States, the Wilson Center tackles critical global challenges by providing an essential bridge between policymaking and actionable ideas drawn from the world’s finest research, analysis, and nonpartisan dialogue.
Part 5 Individual Researchers Working on Energy in China
- Minqi Li http://economics.utah.edu/profile.php?site=economics&unid=u0533475&view=biography http://content.csbs.utah.edu/~mli/ Assistant Professor, Economics Department, University of Utah. Research has focused on the following areas: (1) the long-term movement of investment profitability and its impact on economic performance; (2) global financial imbalances with a focus on the Chinese and the US economy; (3) energy and environmental issues. All three issues are connected by a common theme: long-term cyclical movements and secular trends of the current world system. Studies on these issues contribute to better understanding of the historical evolution of the current world system and its possible future trajectories.
- Frank Haugwitz/ China Renewable Energy Information www.frankhaugwitz.info An extensive collection of documents about renewable energies and its corresponding policies in China, as well as documents covering CDM and energy security as well. Also contains numerous organizational and institutional weblinks.
- Eric Martinot www.martinot.info This site is intended as a public service for information on renewable energy, with a focus on research and education. There are many technology-focused sources of information, but fewer on markets, policies, investment, and future scenarios. The site serves as a directory to good references and sources of information available via the Web and also provides access to Eric Martinot’s own publications, many of which are widely-used in the field. The site is updated on an occasional basis and new content and format are planned. This site was created in 2003 and has been updated at least annually since, although some material now serves as archive or historical reference. It contains extensive material on China at http://www.martinot.info/china.htm Eric Martinot splits his time between Tokyo, Beijing, Europe, and Wellington New Zealand. Dr. Eric Martinot is an internationally recognized scholar, writer, and teacher on the subject of renewable energy. He has been lead author (2005-2010) and research director (2005-2008) of the well-known REN21 Renewables Global Status Report, an annual synthesis of the state of renewable energy worldwide produced since 2005. He currently serves as senior research director with the Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies in Tokyo and as senior visiting scholar at Tsinghua University in Beijing. He teaches annually on clean energy at Tsinghua University, Tokyo University, and Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand). He also maintains research affiliations with the Worldwatch Institute in Washington DC and the Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association in Beijing, and serves in several other roles including chairperson of the World Council for Renewable Energy (WCRE), editorial board member of the journal Energy Policy, and advisor to a number of international organizations.
- China Environmental Law http://www.chinaenvironmentallaw.com, A Blog of blog was written by Charlie McElwee during his years as an international environmental & energy lawyer in Shanghai.
- Kevin Jianjun Tu, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, http://carnegieendowment.org/experts/?fa=588 senior associate in the Carnegie Energy and Climate Program, where he leads Carnegie’s work on China’s energy and climate policies. He is also a nonresident research fellow at the Canadian Industrial Energy End-Use Data and Analysis Centre. Tu is an experienced policy adviser and project manager who specializes in operations strategy and policy analysis of coal, oil, gas, and power sectors as well as in sustainable resource and environmental management. He has extensive connections with China’s energy industry, government, academia, and environmental NGOs.
- Philip Andrew-Speeds, Energy Studies Institute, National University of Singapore http://www.esi.nus.edu.sg/our-researchers/philip-andrews-speed Philip started his career as a mineral and oil exploration geologist before moving into the field of energy and resource governance. Until 2010 he was Professor of Energy Policy at the University of Dundee and Director of the Centre of Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy. There the principal focus of his research was China’s energy sector, both the domestic and external dimensions.
- Xu Yi Chong, Centre for Governance and Public Policy, Griffith University , http://www.griffith.edu.au/business-government/centre-governance-public-policy/staff/yi-chong-xu Her research expertise is in the areas of energy security; international organisations; nuclear policy in China and elsewhere.
- Elspeth Thomson, Energy Studies Institute, National University of Singapore http://www.esi.nus.edu.sg/our-researchers/elspeth-thomson Her research interests span Asian energy security, energy economics and energy and the environment. Besides her book tracing the history of China’s coal industry, and several edited collections, she has published numerous articles and book chapters on many aspects of the various types of energy consumed and traded in Southeast, North and South Asia.
- Vaclav Smil, Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Manitoba , http://www.vaclavsmil.com/ Vaclav Smil does interdisciplinary research in the fields of energy, environmental and population change, food production and nutrition, technical innovation, risk assessment, and public policy. He has published more than 30 books and some 400 papers on these topics. He is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Manitoba, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (Science Academy), the first non-American to receive the American Association for the Advancement of Science Award for Public Understanding of Science and Technology, and in 2010 he was listed by Foreign Policy among the top 100 global thinkers. He has published extensively on energy and environment in China.
- Tim Wright, School of East Asian Studies, Sheffield University http://www.shef.ac.uk/seas/staff/chinese/wright Tim Wright’s research includes the political economy of economic reform in the contemporary Chinese coal industry. industry. Most recently he has published several journal articles on the topic as well as a book on The Political Economy of Chinese Coal Industry: Black Gold and Blood Stained Coal with Routledge.
- Huaichuan Rui, Royal Holloway, University of London, http://pure.rhul.ac.uk/portal/en/persons/huaichuan-rui_e9483b90-2bde-46f2-951c-e0ff1cba2bc4.html a Senior Lecturer of Strategy and Interantional Business at the School of Management, Royal Holloway, University of London, and Visiting Professor of Nanjing Normal University. She is also a Research Team Member of the Programme of Energy and Sustainable Development, Stanford University. Her research interests include Industrial research on energy (oil/gas, coal, coal liquefaction, renewable energy, electric power), mineral resources, steel, resource, machinery (automobile, machine tools, equipment), and IT (PC manufacturing and telecommunication).
- Kun-Chin Lin, University of Cambridge, Department of Politics and International Studies, http://www.polis.cam.ac.uk/contacts/staff/Lin-KC.html His research activities focus on the politics of market reform in developing countries, industrial organisation and labour relations, federalism and public goods provision, energy security, transport infrastructure development, foreign direct investment, political risk analysis, and regional and urban-rural distributive issues in the process of urbanisation. He is working on a book on the corporatisation of large Chinese state-owned enterprises into shareholding concerns in the late 1990s, using the case study of national oil and petrochemical companies to examine the political and macroeconomic conditions that enabled a radical reorganisation of the commanding heights, and the ensuing legacy of contentious state-market relations.
- Lim Tai Wei, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, http://www5.cuhk.edu.hk/jas/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=173&Itemid=128 Research focus: Environmental/Energy History & Historical Studies, with a teaching focus on; Postwar History of Japan (including Econ Development), Japanese Management studies. Has published extensively on the Chinese oil sector, both in relation to contemporary developments and also on the history of the sector.
- Bo Kong, John Hopkins University, http://legacy2.sais-jhu.edu/faculty/directory/bios/k/kong.htm Assistant Research Professor of Energy, Resources and Environment and Research Director of East Asian Energy and Environment. As visiting scholar at the Institute for Global Dialogue in South Africa, conducted field research in Angola on China’s petroleum investment; was research fellow at the Center for Global Security of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Seattle; served on the Council of the National Capital Area Chapter of the United States Association for Energy Economics; consulted on Chinese companies’ energy and mining operations in Africa for Ayrlie Partners and the World Wildlife Fund; Ph.D., China studies and international energy policy, SAIS. Publications include China’s International Petroleum Policy (2010); An Anatomy of China’s Energy Insecurity and Strategies (2005).
- Anthony Frogatt, Chatham House, http://www.chathamhouse.org/about-us/directory/70672 Senior Research Fellow, Energy, Environment and Resources. Expertise includes; China-EU Energy and Climate Interdependencies; European Energy Policy; Nuclear Power Policies in Europe.
Part 7 Official State-based Chinese “NGO”s and Mass Organizations that are not related to energy specifically, but are nonetheless relevant actors
- All-China Environment Federation (ACEF) http://www.acef.org.cn/en/ is a nationwide non-profitable civil society organization (CSO) in the field of the environment, and is supported by the government. It is composed of CSOs and individuals who are enthusiastic about and support environmental protection and are willing to work for it. The objective of ACEF is to serve as a bridge between the government and the public in implementing the sustainable development strategy, achieving national objectives on environment and development, and protecting the environmental rights of the public. By fully utilizing its organizational advantage, ACEF aims to promote environmental protection and sustainable development in China and the world at large. Its mission is to: a) Organize and solidify all kinds of CSOs and social forces to promote wide participation of the public in China in environmental protection for sustainable development.b) Promote social supervision and safeguard the environmental rights of the public. c) Assist the government in achieving national environmental objectives. d) Contribute to the protection of global environment and sustainable development through exchange and cooperation with CSOs in other countries, UN agencies, other international organizations and governments.
- China Association of NGOs, CANGO http://www.cango.org/english01/index.asp A division of the International Center for Economic and Technical Exchange (CICETE). CANGO is a non-profit membership organization operating nationwide. CANGO was founded in 1992. By the end of 2010, CANGO had 142 member organizations. CANGO is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. At the beginning of 2010. Since its founding, CANGO has developed good relations with 172 foreign NGOs as well as bilateral multilateral organizations, which are maintained through its day-to-day operations. By the end of December 2010, CANGO had raised a total of RMB 512 million from 87 donor agencies for project implementation. The local matching fund reached a total of RMB 320 million. Almost 102 countries from 30 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities were involved in the projects. In addition, CANGO uses available resources to participate in international events, enhance the communication with foreign NGOs, participate in regional NGO communications and cooperation, and improve the social functions of NGOs in China. The future task and direction for CANGO will be to promote China’s civil society development and to provide a platform for exchange of experiences and information-sharing for Chinese NGOs. CANGO will continue its work in Central and Western China with a strong focus on environmental protection and capacity building. CANGO will broaden the cooperation channels with government, businesses, NGOs and research institutes, and pay more attention to balanced economic and social development.
- All China Federation of Trade Unions http://www.acftu.org.cn/template/10002/index.jsp founded on May 1, 1925. It is a mass organization formed by the Chinese working class on a voluntary basis. The head office of the ACFTU is in Beijing, capital of China. There are 31 provincial trade union federations, 10 national industrial unions and 1.324 million grassroots trade union organizations (in 2.753 million enterprises and institutions) affiliated to the ACFTU. The membership of the ACFTU totals 169.94 million (of which 61.778 million are women, accounting for 36.4% of the total number of union members, and 40.978 million are migrant workers, accounting for 24.1% of the total), the membership rate is 73.6%. There are 543,000 full-time trade union cadres and 4.568 million part-time cadres.