Archive for 8.3.6 Manufacturing Sectors

Energy-Efficiency Technologies and Benchmarking the Energy Intensity for the Textile Industry

Abstract The textile industry is a complicated manufacturing industry because it is a fragmented and heterogeneous sector dominated by small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Energy is one of the main cost factors in the textile industry. In this study, thirteen textile plants from five major sub-sectors of the textile industry in Iran, i.e. spinning, weaving, wet-processing, worsted fabric manufacturing, and carpet manufacturing, were visited. The energy intensity of each plant was calculated and compared against other plants within the same sub-sector. The results showed the range of energy intensities for plants in each sub-sector. It also showed that energy saving/management efforts should be focused on motor-driven systems in spinning plants, whereas in other textile sub-sectors thermal energy is the dominant type of energy used and should be focused on. For conducting a fair and proper comparison/ benchmarking studies, factors that significantly influence the energy intensity across plants within each textile sub-sector (explanatory variables) are explained. Finally, a list of energy efficiency improvement measures observed during this study are presented.
Date 2012 06
Author Hasanbeigi, Ali
Publisher Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Series LBNL Report 5753E
8 Energy Intensive Industries, 8.3 Energy Efficiency Measures in Key Industrial Sectors, 8.3.6 Manufacturing Sectors

The China Motor Systems Energy Conservation Program: Establishing the Foundation for Systems Energy Efficiency

Abstract Electronic motor systems are widely used in China to power fans, pumps, blowers, air compressors, refrigeration compressors, conveyers, machinery, and many other types of equipment. Overall, electric motor systems consume more than 600 billion kWh annually, accounting for more than 50% of China’s electricity use. There are large opportunities to improve the efficiency of motor systems. Electric motors in China are approximately 2-4% less efficient on average than motors in the U.S. and Canada. Fans and pumps in China are approximately 3-5% less efficient than in developed countries. Even more importantly, motors, fans, pumps, air compressors and other motor-driven equipment are frequently applied with little attention to system efficiency. More optimized design, including appropriate sizing and use of speed control strategies, can reduce energy use by 20% or more in many applications. Unfortunately, few Chinese enterprises use or even know about these energy-saving practices. Opportunities for motor system improvements are probably greater in China than in the US. In order to begin capturing these savings, China is establishing a China Motor System Energy Conservation Program. Elements of this program include work to develop minimum efficiency standards for motors, a voluntary “green motor” labeling program for high-efficiency motors, efforts to develop and promote motor system management guidelines, and a training, technical assistance and financing program to promote optimization of key motor systems.
Date 2003
Author Nadel, Steven
Publisher Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Series Report LBNL-51052
8 Energy Intensive Industries, 8.3 Energy Efficiency Measures in Key Industrial Sectors, 8.3.6 Manufacturing Sectors