Wind Technologies Market Report

Abstract This report, authored primarily by Ryan Wiser and Mark Bolinger of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, provides a comprehensive overview of trends in the U.S. wind power market, with a particular focus on 2008. Drawing from a variety of sources, this report provides the latest information on a variety of topics, including: Wind project installation trends; Wind industry development; Evolution of wind power sales prices; Price comparison of wind and fossil fuel power generation; Installed wind project costs; Wind turbine prices; Wind project performance; Operation and maintenance cost trends; Integration, transmission, and policy developments; Future outlook. This report provides the most comprehensive summary and analysis of data on project-level wind power pricing, installed project costs, O&M expenses, and wind project performance to date.
Author Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Ryan Wiser and Mark Bolinger, 2008
6 Renewable Energy, 6.2.0 Wind, 6.2.4 International Cooperation and International Comparisons and Recommendations