Testing Sectoral Approaches in China

Abstract A sectoral approach is a bottom-up instrument to compare the efforts that industrialized countries are making with respect to reducing carbon emissions. Secondly, it is a way of trying to address a whole sector of the economy in a way that would be scaling up the current project-based approach. Getting industries worldwide to perform the same standards would eliminate the possibility of carbon leakage, eliminating the shipment of industries from region to region to escape carbon regulatory policies. This project’s objective was to use the sectoral proposal template tool to facilitate the negotiation of credible, transparent and systematic sectoral crediting baselines. The template combined qualitative and quantitative information on the sector and the relevant circumstances in the country in a structured way. The goal was to improve the understanding of the concept of sectoral crediting baselines and to learn about data availability and data collection needs. Sectoral crediting continues to be an important area of discussion in ongoing international climate negotiations. Thus far, these negotiations have been dominated by proposals for a global carbon market and sectoral crediting mechanisms tied to nationally appropriate mitigation actions for developing countries. In China, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), responsible for renewable energy target policy and potential carbon regulations, has tacitly given lip service to the possible use of sectoral targeting, which is a major step when compared to their prior instances that they have an inherent right to develop without added environmental protection costs.
Date 2009 09
Publisher Insitute/Ecofys/Azure
Link http://www.azure-international.com/images/stories/azure/Testing%20Sectoral%20Approaches%20in%20China.pdf
8 Energy Intensive Industries, 8.2 General Status Reports, Evaluations and Recommendations