The Contribution of the Commercial Transfer of Technology to Climate Change Mitigation: A Perspective on the Post-Kyoto Mechanisms of Technology Transfer

Abstract Case studies of commercial transfer of technologies in Chinese enterprises in the fields of energy efficiency and renewable energy, examine various ways to accelerate technology transfer through commercial mechanisms. This can be done through public and private sector funding and future global climate policy framework. This allows the establishment of new mechanisms for joint research and development, and encourages concerted efforts in GHG reduction and global climate agreements. This report offers recommendations for policy makers and other relevant experts.  Funded by the Heinrich Böll Foundation, this study is a joint venture with the Research Energy Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission, and the China Renewable Energy Association.
Author Heinrich Boll Stiftung, China; Main authors: Li Junfeng, Tanq Wenquian, and Ma Lingjuan; September 2009
1 Energy and Climate, 1.4 Climate Change and Environment