Key China Energy Statistics 2012

Abstract The China Energy Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) was established in 1988. Over the years the Group has gained recognition as an authoritative source of  China energy statistics through the publication of its China  Energy Databook (CED). The Group has published seven editions to date of the CED. This handbook summarizes key statistics from the CED and is expressly modelled on the International Energy Agency’s “Key World Energy Statistics” series of publications. The handbook contains timely, clearly presented data on the supply, transformation, and consumption of all major energy sources.
Author Levine, Mark; Fridley, David; Lu, Hongyou; Fino-Chen, Cecilia; June 2012
1 Energy and Climate, 1.1 General Energy Concerns, 1.1.3 International and Foreign Think-tanks, Research Institutes, NGOs and Individual Researchers