Up-grading Renewable Electrical Energy Program for Village Levels in China by Use of Government Financing and Bidding Based on Market Regulation

Abstract China is a developing country with a large territory of 9.6 million square kilometers and 1.28 billion people, among whom 0.8 billion live in rural areas. The Chinese government has committed itself to supplying electricity to remote areas by various technical means, including the extension of power grids and the establishment of local level systems. China has now achieved a remarkable 95 percent electrification rate. Even so, this challenge of rural electrification remains a high Government priority. Today, over 40 million people in China still lack access to modern energy services and their communities are typically located far from existing grids, mainly in the western regions.
Author Asia-Pacific Environmental Innovation Strategies (APEIS) Research on Innovative and Strategic Policy Options (RISPO) Good Practices Inventory, 2003
Link http://www.frankhaugwitz.info/doks/policy/2003_03_China_Township_CRED.pdf
6 Renewable Energy, 6.1.4 Rural Renewable Energy Use