Rural Biomass Energy 2020 in the People’s Republic of China

Abstract This publication explores the potential of biomass energy to close the urban-rural energy gap, raise farmer incomes, and address some of the environmental concerns in the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Its findings are useful for other developing and medium-income countries currently in the process of drawing up their respective energy-for-all strategies. The report examines the promises and limitations of leading biomass energy technologies and resources for various distribution scales, including but not limited to household biogas digesters. The information is based on lessons learned and experiences from the ADB-financed Efficient Utilization of Agricultural Wastes Project in the PRC, as well as findings and conclusions from a technical assistance grant to assist the government draft a national strategy for developing rural biomass energy.
Author Asian Development Bank, June 2010
6 Renewable Energy, 6.4 Biomass