Evaluation of China’s Energy Strategy Options

Abstract Developed by energy experts from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, this report analyzes how energy investment can be redirected, energy supply developed, and energy efficiency increased to meet China’s high-level national development goals—increasing energy security, maintaining economic growth, and improving standards of living and the health of its citizens. The report prioritizes energy policies according to their effectiveness in helping China reach its national development goals and describes in detail what China’s government must do to enact such policies.
Author China Sustainable Energy Program, May 2005
Link http://www.efchina.org/csepupfiles/report/2006102695218686.4335721472912.pdf/NEP_LBNL_EN.pdf
1 Energy and Climate, 1.1 General Energy Concerns, 1.1.3 International and Foreign Think-tanks, Research Institutes, NGOs and Individual Researchers