Archive for 6.2.7 Offshore Wind

Fujian Offshore Wind Farm Development Methodology

Abstract SgurrEnergy has been appointed by CRESP to assist with the development of a methodology leading to production of an implementation plan to exploit the offshore wind resource of Fujian province. Deliverable 4 of this assignment requires that practical application of the suggested methodology be described with regard to offshore wind farm site selection, wind resource measurement and wind resource evaluation. The most appropriate way for this requirement to be delivered was considered to be by way of example and this report applies the suggested methodology to a fictitious offshore wind farm near to Pinghai Peninsula, Putian.
Author SgurrEnergy and China Renewable Energy Scale-up Programme (CRESP), Delivery 4, June 2008
6 Renewable Energy, 6.2.0 Wind, 6.2.7 Offshore Wind

Comparison of Offshore Wind Farm Development Methodologies

Abstract SgurrEnergy has been appointed by CRESP to assist with the development of a methodology leading to production of an implementation plan to exploit the offshore wind resource of the Fujian province. While offshore wind farm development has been around since the early 1990s exploitation of large areas of the seabed for the purpose of offshore wind farm development has only begun in the last 5 years. There is therefore a limited database of examples from which to derive information for the purpose of comparison with regard to the likely large scale deployment sought by Fujian province. SgurrEnergy believes that the scale of development sought by Fujian province will be equal to or greater than the largest European projects and therefore project building blocks will be in the range 300MW to 500MW.
Author SgurrEnergy and China Renewable Energy Scale-up Programme (CRESP), Deliverable 1, August 2007
6 Renewable Energy, 6.2.0 Wind, 6.2.7 Offshore Wind

China, Norway, and Offshore Wind Development : A Win-Win Wind Relationship?

Abstract To unleash China’s full potential and speed up the development of offshore wind energy production, bridges must to be constructed between stakeholders with the relevant experience and the best available technology (typically in Northern Europe), and policy makers and project developers in China. This study looks at Norway and China from such a perspective, aiming to outline the emerging offshore wind market in China, assess the strengths and compatibility of the Norwegian offshore industry cluster, and suggest possible ways for future cooperation. This study was primarily funded by WWF Norway.
Author Azure International, by Rachel Enslow, 2010
6.2.0 Wind, 6.2.7 Offshore Wind

China: an Emerging Offshore Wind Development Hotspot

Abstract The offshore wind industry is ramping up in China with at least 11.9GW in the development pipeline and an invitation for offshore wind project tendering on 18 May 2010. This study provides wind speed and energy density maps along with estimates of the wind energy technical potential – 11,000TWh within 100km of the Chinese coast. The wind resource analysis seeks to improve upon previous studies by estimating the wind energy generation potential for offshore wind power in China in order to assist the identification of key wind resource areas for China‟s offshore wind development. Azure provided advisory and management services for this study published by WWF Norway in collaboration with China Wind Energy Association and Sun Yat-sen University.
Author Azure International, CWEA Chinese Wind Energy Association: Qin Haiyan, Liu Mingliang, Wang Yao, Zhao Jinzhuo Sun Yatsen University: Dr. Zeng Xuelan, August 2010
6 Renewable Energy, 6.2.0 Wind, 6.2.7 Offshore Wind